
I am a storyteller wanna-be.

gg-headDon’t get me wrong, I’ve got loads of stories to tell. I ABSOLUTELY believe that everyone is a storyteller but I also believe that there are varying levels of ability. No, my problem isn’t finding them but when it comes to telling a story, well let’s just say that as I listen to the stories I’m telling in my head, I’m the next Hans Christian Anderson. But in reality … not so much.

I marvel at the abilities of those who can tell stories well especially when they utilize different kinds of mediums. It looks so natural and easy. And oh how people tend to flock to them. So what are these storytellers doing that I’m not? Was it simply a gift they were born with or did they learn it? How did they choose their story and their medium? And why does it look so easy?

Stories – I can find them just about anywhere. I’m not sure how to explain how I find them though. They seem to jump out at me – practically shouting at me to listen. But when I hear someone tell me they don’t have a story I’m always momentarily taken aback. How can they not? Doesn’t everyone have a story? Isn’t that the easy part? Don’t you just reach into your memory bank or look around you? And why is it creating such a buzz in the organizational and marketing world these days?

Enter Gimli Goose, my online storytelling persona. Why Gimli Goose? Well that’s a long story, so you’ll have to go to my storytelling sites to find out (check out the links to the right). My goal to provide a practical how-to end product that helps people find and tell their story, their way. I do not profess to be a storytelling expert but what I lack in expertise I make up for in passion and curiosity. I love to hunt and gather information about the best storytellers and storytelling information and then share it through a variety of online channels. Whether you’re a mutual storyteller wannabe or a storytelling expert I hope you will join me on this journey exploring the land of “once up on a time”.

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